The tradition of the parade of floral floats Sanremo dates back until the dawn of modern floriculture, at the turn of ‘800 and’ 900.
The first edition of which retains a memory is the Festival of the Goddess Flora of 1903, when the news of the flower production Sanremo addobbarono an elegant parade of carriages flourished in the heart of Sanremo of the Belle Epoque.

The parades of floral floats Sanremo and neighboring cities were interrupted by World War I, to resume in 1921 and again from 1925 to stop a series of particularly harsh winters that falcidiarono the flower production area.

In the ’30s appeared floats real parading along the elegant Via Vittorio, now Via Matteotti, between two wings of crowd interspersed with folk groups, who threw flowers into the crowd of spectators. He was the model of the Battle of the Flowers, which still has an important tradition in Ventimiglia in June and in Nice during the carnival in February.

After the break for World War II, it was at the turn of the 50s and 60s that the event reached its peak at the international level through the transmission in Eurovision, which bore the wonders of Sanremo climate in the cold and snowy northern cities Europe. It was the period in Europe Flower, with floral floats entitled to European nations, accompanied by celebrities and by the miss of the European countries. Even today, the international reputation of the event is due at the time of the pioneering European television.

In those years, thanks to the inventiveness of Rino Ceriolo, the parade made a huge qualitative progress with an elegance and a daring technical admirable. On the website of photographer Max Mencarelli you can see some old photographs of those years.

Then in 1967 the event was forgotten until 1980.